Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Arrow Of Light

Erik has been in scouts since he was a Tiger scout. It's hard to believe it has been almost 5 years! 
He was thrilled that his friend Jake came with most of his family, and his Grandma (aka Geaba) also attended his Arrow of Light Ceremony.
Erik's Webelos Den
He has been with the same group of boys the entire time. They support and encourage each other and there is just enough competition to keep Erik motivated, but not so much as to discourage him. Erik is competitive, but maybe not as much as I am.  He did pursue many of the requirements on his own, without me nudging him along.
The scouts honor their mothers 
The Arrow of Light is the highest award that a Cub Scout can earn. It is also the only Award that a boy can transfer to, and wear on their Boy Scout Uniform.  There is also an award for Super Achiever. Super Achiever is when the boy earns all 5 requirements from all 8 Activity Badges.
Erik was very proud of his Arrow
 Here is where my competitive spirit comes into play. Aaron missed Super Achiever by 1 requirement, and again, Erik missed Super Achiever by 1 requirement, not 1 whole Activity Badge, but 1 requirement within the Activity Badge. Talk about feeling like the lame mom.
At least I still have 1 boy left to get it right.
I assured both boys that they did a super job and that they should be proud! I AM proud of their achievements and know that they did work hard, with a whole lot of adult support and encouragement.
Geaba came to honor Erik 
I just wish I was better at the whole keeping track of things, because then I would have known and could have encouraged them complete their last requirement.
In reality, the reason that we have chosen to have our boys participate in Scouts is to reinforce the character qualities that we are trying to teach our boys.
We have used the Scout Oath, Law and Motto in our Homeschool because it so clearly and concisely articulates our desire for the character of our children.
The Scout Law states that, A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. 
The Scout Oath talks about keeping yourself morally straight. 
I am thankful for an organization that has upheld their standards despite intense pressure to change to the culture. I am thankful for the great leaders who have helped my husband and I train our boys in the way that they should go, and for our boys who diligently worked on their requirements. They can and should be proud of their achievement. 
Congratulations Erik for earning your Arrow Of Light!

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