Monday, September 19, 2011

Science With Noah

Last week we read about Noah and the Flood. Did you know it took Noah 120 years to build the Ark? The Ark was built in the middle of a desert, and it had never rained on Earth before.

Prior to the flood, the earth was watered with a mist and from the deep. We converted cubits to feet and then went out in the field to measure 450 feet, the length of the Ark.

The weather has turned from our beautiful Indian Summer to a crisp fall.  I admit I was not looking forward to leaving the warmth and cozy feeling inside, but once we went out it felt wonderful. The fresh air and imminent feeling of a storm brewing was just what my soul needed.

See the little white fence in the background? It is 450 feet from where I am standing.  Hard to imagine what it must have been like for Noah to build something so huge in the middle of the desert. I think about the ridicule he must have had to endure and the faith he had in God to continue with such an outrageous request. And I was relieved that we didn't have to climb under any barbed wire or electric fences!

Often it is difficult for me to make the extra effort to actually go and do these types of projects because they don't seem worth it. I can see that it brings to life the things we are studying and is good for all of us.

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