Friday, July 18, 2008

Camp Grandma

Where have we been? We spent a glorious week at my mother in law's house in Yakima. What? you might ask Really, I love my mother in law. She totally pampered me the whole time. I literally did none of the cooking!! The food was delicious and we had dessert every day!! Erik earned some money pulling weeds. Here he took a break in the tree in the back yard.

All of the children loved the dress up clothes that were in her closet. Many of them came from Sean's grandma and from the lady across the street. Ruby loved going swimming almost every day at Franklin pool and I loved the fact that all that was expected of me was to sit on the side of the pool and watch while Sean played with the good swimmers and Chris played with the not so much swimmers. AHHHHH, what luxery especially since it was in the 90's.

I am not sure what Aaron is but they had several javelin throwing contests with the ski poles. They also discovered a roll of duct tape and made many creations and contraptions from items found in the basement.

We made a day trip to Stevenson (2 1/2 hours away) to go to the family reunion. Sean and Erik and Taylor and Aaron swam out to the middle of the river to an island, they found an ax head and brought it home and got a new head, put it on and tried it out. Much satisfaction in your boys breaking a sweat doing some good hard work.

This is the initial pile they ended up with after several days of splitting wood we had a good pile of kindling. Ahhh that I actually felt bored at one point ( I honestly cannot remember the last time I had nothing to do). While we were gone 4 different families looked at our clean house and 3 were seriously interested, our Queen bee went on her nuptial flight and caused some neighbors to call 9-1-1. All is well and she is laying now. Our return trip took 9hours!!! We had to repair a tire, get cherries, get gas, stop and look for a peach stand (no luck), get ice cream and Dairy Queen, go potty, Stop at Sportsman Warehouse and look for a hat, Return a hat at REI, drop off cherries, get more gas, see if a house we wanted had sold, get milk and eggs, drop off more cherries and then arrive home to make pancakes and sausage at 9pm!!! My bed felt great now, back to reality

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