Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm Home

I just got back from a refreshing, encouraging, fabulously fun weekend with friends. It was the opportunity to spend coveted time with long time friends in my 'core' and make some new genuine friendships that I can't wait to see where they will lead.
This was my third time at an Above Rubies retreat. The biggest encouragement to me was walking away with the renewed knowlege that I am doing a great work! What I do on a day to day basis investing in the lives of my children has eternal value. Some days are really hard, some are full of discouragement and some I feel like the luckiest woman alive! I know that the hard days are days that God is using to mold and shape me. Usually they are hard because of my own selfish desires or expectations.
I confess, one of my absolute favorite parts of the retreat is being with people who share a similar vision. People who I can count on, people who love me despite my inadequacies. It was so fun to really talk, have a complete conversation and encourage one another and pray for each other and laugh toghere. 
 It was great to come home and wrap my children in my arms and kiss them and tuck them in bed. I am so thankful that my husband embraced the time with our boys camping and that my mom so eagerly steps in to care for and love our daughters. Thank you both so much!
My prayer for all of us who were at the retreat this weekend:
Lord, I know that you are faithful. I know you provided this time to renew us, to encourage us and to strengthen our walk with you. I pray that you will allow us a week of peace in our homes. A start to our week that is filled with glimpses of your faithfulness and your provision. Please sustain us and help us cling to you Father. Amen 


amy said...

Getting to know you so much more was a major highlight for me! I am blessed to know you Carolynn!

And your prayer is awesome. I will be praying it for you too.

You are doing important work. Keep your eyes on Him and He will give you all you need to do it well.

Love you friend!

Rebecca M said...

I'm here to say Amen! to that prayer of yours, Carolynn!

It was so fun to meet you! Thanks for sharing yourself, your Goodwill skills and your peanutbutter m&ms!

-rebecca m

Unknown said...

Amy, it was so great to get to know you better! I am thrilled to have another Goodwill buddy =). I really appreciate your honesty and commitment to the Truth!
Rebecca,I am honored to finally meet you. Your words of encouragement are more meaningful than you could possibly imagine. Your precious family is a treasure!