Monday, February 27, 2012

Bringing Delight

Erik came in this morning with a super surprise for all the children! 
Don't let the beautiful sunshine fool you, it is just above freezing here. This kind of weather makes me want to go outside and play, instead we are inside huddled around the wood stove doing our school work. 

Erik's surprise was that our landlord rearranged the hay bales in the barn making a fort just for them. Although Erik is convinced that Mr. L played in the fort first, since his boots are right by the door. 
 It brings me such joy to see the thoughtful little ways that he brings my children delight. 

He made doors, windows, and even put a roof on it. He did it all without any fanfare or even telling the children that he was doing it. He just did it and left it for the children to discover. What a fabulous surprise for an otherwise normal Monday morning. 

Complete with windows overlooking the cows! 

Of course, we had to stop and play on the frozen puddles on the way back to the house. 
Now there is serious motivation to finish the school work and get out to the new fort! 

1 comment:

Jamie said...

that is so cute and lots of fun, who doesnt like to play in the hay.