Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Baby Bump

It's difficult to know where to start when I have not blogged since September! I will give a quick update of my baby belly. 
October 2013
 Sean and I were both shocked and ecstatic to learn that we would be adding another baby to our family. I had morning sickness until about 24 weeks. I really think attitude has a lot to do with how I deal with it. Every time I was tempted to be discouraged or frustrated about my lack of appetite or ability to keep anything down I remembered how blessed I am to be able to carry a baby again.
October 2013
 The injections are part of it for me, the bruising isn't fun. Especially when my children seem to find the prime spot to bump, and bump it constantly. Again, just part of keeping me and baby healthy.
November 2013
 I am trying to be purposeful in documenting the growing belly, but since I am the one with the camera it seems vain to ask someone to take my photo. I am also terrible at the whole self portrait thing, so you will have to take what you can get!
I was sad when my doctor told me that I probably would not feel the baby move much since my placenta was attached on the front of my uterus. I could stare at my belly all day and I love it when other people want to feel the baby move. To my delight once I felt the baby move I have the privilege of feeling it all the time.
December 2013
The tag says: "Do not open until April 12, 2014"
 My children love to feel and will even compete over whose turn it is. Liberty is in love and will greet my belly before she hugs or kisses me. Sean, who has always been a bit freaked out by the baby is enjoying it more this time too. I love that. He likes to talk to the baby and see how close the baby comes to kicking him. We have a pretty accurate little one in there.
January 2014
 At my 30 week appointment I was already measuring 37 weeks and the ultrasound showed that the baby was 97%. The doctor made sure that I understood math and told me "That means that only 3% of babies are bigger than yours."
Yes, I understand. I talked them out of making me drink the horrible glucose drink and for my gestational diabetes test I ate a cream filled donut, flavored yogurt, and drank a flavored latte. I definitely do not have diabetes.
January 2014
 My initial weight dropped 10 pounds and now I am +10 of my original weight, so that isn't an issue either. I guess small babies just are not in our genes.
I have been reading and re reading Bible verses that discuss fear and what God requires of us instead. I am both eager and excited for labor and birth and paranoid about it. I have done this 7 times! 7 times. I am blessed.
January 2014
My attempt at a Self Portrait
This fall I attended 22 births and taught 3 different classes. Birth is in my blood. I know what I want. I know how I want it to go, who I want attending my birth and even when it would be convenient for the baby to arrive. I know that none of that is ultimately up to me.
For now, I will cherish being pregnant, feeling the baby move and the blessing God has so generously given us.


Anonymous said...

SO happy to have you back blogging! And so excited for the newest little life inside you! I'm looking forward to seeing you soon and catching up - love to you!

Crystal said...

So happy to see you and that awesome baby belly! Looking great!

Stacy said...

What a tremendous gift, Carolynn.
And you are positively glowing. (And beautiful!)
