Tuesday, September 14, 2010


My first born turned 20 this month. My youngest turned 20 months this month.
I have always heard that they grow up way too fast, I am not sure I believed it but now the reality is here that they do grow up way too fast. I noticed it when Mikaela was in high school and we had about 10 minutes a day of influence on her. That was when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we would be homeschooling all the way through for the rest of them! There was not enough time to teach her all the things God laid on my heart for this beautiful girl.
My heart was filled with Joy that we were all able to celebrate the birth of Mikaela together. Mikaela and her boyfriend drove over to Yakima and we went to the fair then took the family (minus the little girls &Ian) to the Extreme Bull Riding. Then my mom and niece, Kimberly came over for a party. It seems more and more difficult to have everyone together with how busy everyone is. When it does happen it is fabulous.

I know I have not always made the best choices and that I have fallen short many many times but I am so thankful that I chose to give this young woman life. I was 18 when I discovered I was pregnant. I was alone in the emergency room with an ovarian cyst that was about to rupture. I had recently broken up with my high school sweetheart and was on a date when I got really sick and the guy dropped me off in the turn around of my dorm. The ER nurse came in and said, "Taught you a thing or two about birth control."
It was really scary and there was pressure to "take care of the problem". It would have been simple to justify it. I hoped that when the cyst ruptured that the baby would go with it.
But I always knew that life was a gift from God and it is His to give and His to take away. There was no way that I was going to question God.
My journey has not been easy. I Praise God for His faithfulness, His provision, and His providence. I am humbled and know that I am not worthy of all His Blessings, especially the privilege of raising Mikaela, of praying for her to have an undeniable love for her Saviour and waiting for Him to capture her heart.


Stacy said...

Praising God *with* you, Carolynn... that you chose LIFE for your daughter!

And WOW about the 20 years and- on the other end of the spectrum: 20 months!

Hooray for so many years of motherhood! :) Good job, mama!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful ending to a story that seemed to have started off so tragic...

Now I'm not trying to be too nosy/personal with this question, but are you implying that your daughter does not have a relationship with her Savior?

amy said...

Happy Birthday Mikaela!

What a story you have Carolynn. Praising God with you and praying with you. He always has good plans for His people. I look forward to hearing more of his wonderful work.

Unknown said...

Thank you Stacy, It is a joy to share in Praising our savior together.
Anon. Mikaela made a public declaration of her commitment to be a follower of Jesus. She knows Him but is not walking with Him.
Amy, you always seem to have just the right thing to say. For that, I am thankful.