Friday, November 14, 2008

Open House

The house is a flurry of activity today. We are fininshing up getting ready for the craft fair at Blodel Donovan tommorow. Looking at stuff like this on the floor makes me really glad that I have a vacuum. The cats do not mind any of the activity going on around them, in fact they are thankful for a warm spot. Usually they are banned to the outside.
Taylor has been very busy working on the snowmen that she is selling. It is great to see how well her and papa work together. We are praying that all our stuff sells! She is learning that to do a good job and make a project that will sell is a lot of work and takes a lot of time.

Aaron really stepped up and helped me when Erik got frustrated that the glue was sticking to his fingers and he could not get the placement of the eyes exactly where he wanted them. Ian just loves to cut and really wanted to help.

Ruby just loves her papa and it is so heartwarming to hear her laugh and watch them play. Ruby does not like the mustache either (way to go girl!!) she says papa poky when he kisses her.

Erik finally helped me with his snowman soup packets. He mixed the hot cocoa, filled the bags, added the marshmellows and candycane stir stick. Way to go!!

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