Monday, April 20, 2009

I Love My Son

This is my child who constantly tests me. Today alone we had so many trials that by the time dinner rolled around I just said, if you don't like it, don't say anything, leave the table get your PJ's on and go to bed.
His eyes are so full of joy and thought and he asks the best questions. I continually pray for creativity in my parenting so that we can get our point across. This boy works well with rewards and consequences. He really wants to read but thinks that he does not have to look at the words to learn. He took my sewing machine apart to use some of the pieces and I have not had a working sewing machine since.
He goes to the war section at the library and checks out Marine Sniper, and Special Forces. I wonder what he will be when he grows up?
I am convinced that God gave me this child to keep me humble and to refine me. I think the things that are the most difficult for me are the things that I need to work on. I pray for his future wife and for his purity and faithfulness. I pray that he will love God and serve Him above all. I pray that Sean and I are training him in the way he should go so he will not depart from it. I pray that I can offer more grace and discover the best way to teach and train him. I pray that he will know how very much he is loved.

1 comment:

Syndi said...

Aw, I love that boy too. He is someone special and you ARE doing a good job of parenting him.