We had a wonderful Christmas full of Blessings. The children did a great job being patient with waiting for Mikaela to come so we could open our gifts. We work really hard to keep the focus on serving others and being a blessing to others, it is not always easy especially for me, I really like to give gifts. We were really fortunate to have my mom with us as well especially since we had more snowfall on Christmas morning. We had 2 feet of snow!!
I love how our children open a gift and play with it for a long time before they are even interested in opening another gift (with the exception of Ruby).
Friday morning we went to the hospital for a 'non stress test' for the baby the Dr. really pushed for an induction. He called it
augmentation since I was already at 4.5 cm and contracting every 17 minutes. I know I am nervous for labor and since my body seems to be doing what it should (even if it is a little slow) I like the pace of the
dilation without the really hard work. We decided to hold off. The nurses scheduled me for an induction for Saturday morning in case I changed my mind. I got a call this morning at 6am!!!
OK, anyone that knows me knows that 6 is
waaaaaay to early. It was the nurse at the hospital telling me they had a bed available and were waiting for my 7am induction. I told her I was not coming until I went into labor and the Dr. just made the appointment in case I changed my mind. The nurse then bawled me out for not being clear and basically made me feel like it was a major
inconvenience for them for me not to come.
Ummm, who is having the baby?? UGH. It is really hard to not feel pressure to do what is easiest for everyone, the Dr, the Hospital, Babysitter, Weather, etc.,
I am feeling very ripe and ready and anxious to meet this little one my babies have come in 1990, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 and I thought 2008! Maybe, maybe not. I guess we will wait and see.
I would like to ask for prayers to trust God and His timing and Provision as well as a safe delivery and healthy mom and baby. Thank you all. God Blessing on you and yours.