Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day

We officially had our first day with no puke in about a week. We all celebrated, I mean really who wants to be 9 months pregnant cleaning puke continually. UGH. I was so thankful that it was not bitter cold and the children could go outside and play. Anyone else live in a small house that seems to SHRINK when the weather outside is frightful? Between having the tree in the house and the children bouncing off the walls and me not feeling so good (cranky, irritable, uncomfortable, tired, hungry, sick, and huge) I was not enjoying the snow at all.
I was able to take a few minutes this afternoon and look at the calm serene setting outside my house. I especially liked how the bee hive looked.

I am really looking forward to my Doctor appointment on Friday for the mere fact that it offers me a few hours to myself. I am hoping to finish my Christmas shopping, return a few items I changed my mind about, and hopefully get the last few items I need for the baby.
I don't like it when I know that I am grumpy and don't have the patience I need with the children but I don't seem to be able to reign it in. I have been studying joy and peace during my 'quiet' time and am diligently trying to put into practice what I am learning. While praying with the children tonight I thanked God that today was over and I got a new chance tomorrow. I think I am most thankful that we get to try again the next day and that He forgives and forgets our transgressions of today when we ask.
Enjoy today for what it has to offer and remember all that we are truly blessed with.


Barker Musings said...

Your backyard is hurge!!! By the way do you have a baby bath. I am going to craigslist mine.

Stacy said...

I can sure relate, Carolynn-- especially to your last paragraph. I, too-- struggle with an overall feeling of negativity and crankiness, and feel like I have to fight for joy and delight in this season of motherhood. [And, what with the additional hormones and the stir-craziness of being stuck indoors, there's a little extra to deal with, too!] I'm so thankful that His mercies are new every morning! Praying for you!

Steph :o) said...

Hugs to you!