Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watch Out Mike Rowe

I try hard to come up with activities for my children to do that are :

  1. Age appropriate
  2. productive
  3. useful/helpful
  4. fun

I know that is a difficult bill to fill. Yesterday I noticed the grease on the cabinets above my stove and decided it was a great job for Ian and Ruby to complete together. Ian on the cabinet cleaning and Ruby rinsing and ringing out his rag. They worked very well together and Ian went above and beyond the call of duty. He cleaned the inside and outside of the microwave and the stove top as well.

Ian showed me the dirty rag and said, "We need to call Mike Rowe, because this is a Dirty Job!"

Now let me tell you that the cabinets are cleaner than if nothing had been done but not as clean as I would have done, that is if I did it. You get the point.
A few more happenings from my day:

?Why would a three year old remove her clothes and pee down the heater vent?

?Why would a seven year old choose to not eat his cauliflower for 31 hours?


amy said...

Good point about it being cleaner than if it had not been done. I often don't hand out jobs that they will not be able to do well but hen it never gets done at all!

I am going to show this to my boys and have them do the same job!

I love the story about Jessica calling about Ruby playing momma. So encouraging.
But I have to tell you that when I first read Jessica asking "what is Ruby doing right now?" I freaked out that she was going to tell you she was outside down the street or something! I guess I am too much of a worse-case-scenario worrier!

Unknown said...

Amy, I would not put it past any of my children to be down the street! I guess she knows Ruby really well. Next time I will have the children use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for the cabinets, it might take a few more erasers but it really cuts grease well! Hope it helps and I am enjoying my cleaner than they were cabinets.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful parent you are. Your children have value and ownership in your home. You provided them with meaningful work. They have skills. Now they will care more about your kitchen, too. You go!